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Data preface for SEDOS developer

The SEDOS Reference Dataset (SRD) entails technology data across five sectors (power, heat, PtX, industry, mobility) and various aggregation levels.

This data preface provides additional information about the syntax of parameters and units in SRD.


SEDOS sectors

Sector abbreviation Sector SEDOS workpackage
pow Power AP4
hea Heat AP6
x2x Power to X AP5
ind Industry AP7
tra Transport AP8
Existing and investment processes

Processes that were existing before the base year 2021 can be identified on their name. They end with _0
Example: pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0

Processes that were not existing before the base year 2021 and that the model can invest in can be identified on their name. They end with _1
Example: pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1


Information on special parameters

Having many Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) processes in the model structure, efficiencies are considered with the parameter conversion_factor. We use the same naming convention for all parameters that describe the ratios of inputs and outputs in relation to the primary commodity.
The primary commodity (conversion_factor = 1) is per default the first output of the process.

For consistency please check that the calorific values (heating values) that your conversion factors are based on, are consistent with the values defined in "calorific_values_SEDOS" in the supplementary files at the sharepoint.

The TIMES adapter needs to convert the conversion factors into their parameter conventions and an automatic identification and naming of the commodity groups. as required by the framework.

This parameter can be defined to bound flow shares within the commodity groups of MIMO processes that by default have flexible ratios.
e.g. for a hydrogen-ready gas turbine (that can either burn methane or h2 in the MIMO-process) the hydrogen flow for every timestep could be restricted to a ratio of 0.3 with flow_share_max=0.3.

Growth rates of processes should be considered with capacity_p_abs_new_max or capacity_e_abs_new_max parameter. It describes absolute upper bounds for the expansion of capacities per milestone year. Please consider the deviating period lengths for different milestone years when you determine the upper bounds. This parameter should be given for a process only if it is based on reasonable assumptions or data. Please include its background in your AP specific documentation. The transport sector considers growth rates with the market shares.

The weighted average cost of capital (wacc) gives the interest rate (%) of costs for capital after taxes. As we follow a macro-economic approach in SEDOS it is globally defined for all technologies with a value of 2 percent. Please link it to the global_scalars table as explained in the note Linking data with foreign keys.


The Parameter_Input-Output relations are important to link relevant flow-specific parameters to input or output commodities of a MIMO process. Due to the high number of MIMO processes in our model structure we defined defaults for these relations:

Cost parameters are directly related to the throughput power capacity based on the given primary commodity (first output of a process with conversion_factor = 1).

Moreover, the following parameters are per default directly derived from the parameter names in your uploaded data.
- conversion_factor_<commodity>
- flow_share_max_<commodity>
- emission_factor_<commodity>_<emission_commodity>
Please make sure that the names accurately fit to this schema. Otherwise, the data adapter will not recognize the uploaded data and the relation of the parameters can not be defined.

For exceptions to these defaults please use the "Parameter_Input-Output" sheet to clearly indicate that the parameter relations do not follow these defaults. e.g. the investment costs of an electrolyzer that are defined in relation to the input power capacity.

Monetary value

If not further specified the base year for the monatary value is 2021.

If monatary conversion were performed, the following logic was applied:
currency_A(year_x) -> currency_B(year_x) -> currency_B(year_z)
e.g. USD2010 -> EUR2010 -> EUR2021

For the conversion please use the provided table "monetary_conversion" in the supplementary files at the sharepoint. The conversion is based on data from the ECB for the exchange rates and from the StBA for the harmonised index of consumer prices.
The original years of the sources can be documented in the method column - e.g. {Investment costs:Conversion from USD2019}

Leap years

Leap years are considered in timeseries data by setting the timeindex_stop for 2024, 2040, 2060 to the 30.12.
The timesseries has only 8760 instead of 8784 timesteps (-> the 31.12 is missing).

| id   | region   | type   | timeindex_start       | timeindex_stop        | timeindex_resolution   | exo_pkm_road_mcar   | version   | method   | source   | comment   |
| 1    | DE       |        | 2021-01-01 00:00:00   | 2021-12-31 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
| 2    | DE       |        | 2024-01-01 00:00:00   | 2024-12-30 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
| 3    | DE       |        | 2027-01-01 00:00:00   | 2027-12-31 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
| 4    | DE       |        | 2030-01-01 00:00:00   | 2030-12-31 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
| 5    | DE       |        | 2035-01-01 00:00:00   | 2035-12-31 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
| 6    | DE       |        | 2040-01-01 00:00:00   | 2040-12-30 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
| 7    | DE       |        | 2045-01-01 00:00:00   | 2045-12-31 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
| 8    | DE       |        | 2050-01-01 00:00:00   | 2050-12-31 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
| 9    | DE       |        | 2060-01-01 00:00:00   | 2060-12-30 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
| 10   | DE       |        | 2070-01-01 00:00:00   | 2070-12-31 23:00:00   | 1h                     | [1,2,3,,8760]      | v1        |          |          |           |
Emission factors

The following emission types are considered: co2, ch4 & n2o.
The 100-year time horizon global warming potentials (GWP) relative to CO2 according to the fourth IPCC assessment report (AR4) are taken as suggested by the UWB at the time of the definition in 2023: gwp_ch4 : 25, gwp_n2o : 298

Whenever possible the assumed co2 emission factors should be consistent for same commodities across sectors.
Therefore, we defined a global table global_emission_factors.

These are defined based on the values from the National Inventory Report for the German Greenhouse Gas Inventory from 1990-2021 (NRI).
Please, link the emission factor column of the processes to this table and the correct column via a foreign key as explained in the note below Linking data with foreign keys.

Emission factors for ch4 and n2o are to be defined sector- or process-specific as they are more related to attributes such as firing temperature and humidity. Therefore you can directly enter numbers in the respective emission column. If you still want to define ch4 values globally e.g. for similar processes, you can add an extra column to the global_emission_factors adding <_ch4> or <_n2o> to the column names.

If you need to aggregate emission factors from multiple fuels, please add a new column to the table and give it an appropriate name (e.g. waste_wood_wood_scraps_all). Please indicate the different fuel emission factors as well as their share in the aggregation based on the assumed potentials in the metadata description of the column in the following format: agg_<percentage>_<factor1>_<percentage>_<factor2>.
e.g. "description": "agg_30_waste_wood_wood_scraps_industry_70_waste_wood_wood_scraps_commercial_institutional"

Linking data with foreign keys

The general mapping structure is:

The note below Structure of energy demands exemplifies how data in the SRD is linked via foreign keys.
The tra_demand table uses a foreign key mapping to the tablestra_scalars and tra_timeseries.

Structure of energy demands

Demands per sector are provided via three tables:
1. <sector>_scalars
2. <sector>_timeseries
3. <sector>_demand

The structure is exemplified on the transport sector below.

The table collects all sector process-unspecific scalars.
Also the annual demands. Demand columns are named as the commodity (unit must be declared via metadata)

| id | region | year | type | exo_pkm_road_mcar | exo_tkm_rail | exo_tkm_rail_short | exo_pkm_road_lcar | bandwidth_type | version | method | source | comment |
| 1  | DE     | 2021 |      | 34.4              | 100          | 1000               | 66                |                |         |        |        |         |
| 2  | DE     | 2024 |      | 34.4              | 101          | 1001               | 67                |                |         |        |        |         |
| 3  | DE     | 2027 |      | 34.4              | 102          | 1002               | 68                |                |         |        |        |         |
| 4  | DE     | 2030 |      | 34.4              | 103          | 1003               | 69                |                |         |        |        |         |
| 5  | DE     | 2035 |      | 34.4              | 104          | 1004               | 70                |                |         |        |        |         |
| 6  | DE     | 2040 |      | 34.4              | 105          | 1005               | 71                |                |         |        |        |         |
| 7  | DE     | 2045 |      | 34.4              | 106          | 1006               | 72                |                |         |        |        |         |
| 8  | DE     | 2050 |      | 34.4              | 107          | 1007               | 73                |                |         |        |        |         |
| 9  | DE     | 2060 |      | 34.4              | 108          | 1008               | 74                |                |         |        |        |         |
| 10 | DE     | 2070 |      | 34.4              | 109          | 1009               | 75                |                |         |        |        |         |

The table collects all sector timeseries - also the demand timeseries.
Note that leap years are considered in time series data by setting the timeindex_stop for 2024, 2040, 2060 to the 30.12.

| id | region | type | timeindex_start     | timeindex_stop      | timeindex_resolution | exo_pkm_road_mcar | exo_tkm_rail   | exo_tkm_rail_short | exo_pkm_road_lcar | exo_pkm_road_xcar | version | method | source | comment |
| 1  | DE     |      | 2021-01-01 00:00:00 | 2021-12-31 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |
| 2  | DE     |      | 2024-01-01 00:00:00 | 2024-12-30 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |
| 3  | DE     |      | 2027-01-01 00:00:00 | 2027-12-31 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |
| 4  | DE     |      | 2030-01-01 00:00:00 | 2030-12-31 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |
| 5  | DE     |      | 2035-01-01 00:00:00 | 2035-12-31 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |
| 6  | DE     |      | 2040-01-01 00:00:00 | 2040-12-30 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |
| 7  | DE     |      | 2045-01-01 00:00:00 | 2045-12-31 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |
| 8  | DE     |      | 2050-01-01 00:00:00 | 2050-12-31 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |
| 9  | DE     |      | 2060-01-01 00:00:00 | 2060-12-30 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |
| 10 | DE     |      | 2070-01-01 00:00:00 | 2070-12-31 23:00:00 | 1h                   | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760] | [1,2,3,,8760]     | [1,2,3,,8760]    | [1,2,3,,8760]    | v1      |        |        |         |

In column "demand_annual" the scalar demand is mapped via foreign-key & also the units via the metadata from the tra_scalars table. The normalised timeseries are mapped in the "demand_timeseries_fixed" column via Foreign-key.

| id | region | year | type                           | demand_annual                 | demand_timeseries_fixed          | bandwidth_type | version | method | source | comment |
| 1  | DE     | 2021 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 2  | DE     | 2024 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 3  | DE     | 2027 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 4  | DE     | 2030 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 5  | DE     | 2035 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 6  | DE     | 2040 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 7  | DE     | 2045 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 8  | DE     | 2050 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 9  | DE     | 2060 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 10 | DE     | 2070 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail       | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail       | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail       |                |         |        |        |         |
| 11 | DE     | 2021 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 12 | DE     | 2024 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 13 | DE     | 2027 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 14 | DE     | 2030 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 15 | DE     | 2035 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 16 | DE     | 2040 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 17 | DE     | 2045 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 18 | DE     | 2050 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 19 | DE     | 2060 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 20 | DE     | 2070 | helper_sink_exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_scalars.exo_tkm_rail_short | tra_timeseries.exo_tkm_rail_short |                |         |        |        |         |
| 21 | DE     | 2021 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 22 | DE     | 2024 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 23 | DE     | 2027 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 24 | DE     | 2030 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 25 | DE     | 2035 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 26 | DE     | 2040 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 27 | DE     | 2045 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 28 | DE     | 2050 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 29 | DE     | 2060 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 30 | DE     | 2070 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_mcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_mcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 31 | DE     | 2021 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 32 | DE     | 2024 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 33 | DE     | 2027 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 34 | DE     | 2030 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 35 | DE     | 2035 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 36 | DE     | 2040 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 37 | DE     | 2045 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 38 | DE     | 2050 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 39 | DE     | 2060 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
| 40 | DE     | 2070 | helper_sink_exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_scalars.exo_pkm_road_lcar  | tra_timeseries.exo_pkm_road_lcar  |                |         |        |        |         |
Empty cells and value 0

Example table:

| id | region | year | type | capacity_p_inst                     | capacity_p_abs_new_max | conversion_factor_sec_elec | lifetime | cost_inv_capacity_p | cb_coefficient | cv_coefficient | bandwidth_type | version | method | source | comment |
| 1      | DE   | 2021 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 2      | DE   | 2024 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 3      | DE   | 2027 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 4      | DE   | 2030 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 5      | DE   | 2035 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        |                            | 0.8      | 25                  | 1000           | 0.4            | 0.6            |         |        |        |         |   |
| 6      | DE   | 2040 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        |                            | 0.8      | 25                  | 1000           | 0.4            | 0.6            |         |        |        |         |   |
| 7      | DE   | 2045 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        |                            | 0.8      | 25                  | 800            | 0.4            | 0.6            |         |        |        |         |   |
| 8      | DE   | 2050 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        |                            | 0.8      | 30                  | 800            | 0.4            | 0.6            |         |        |        |         |   |
| 9      | DE   | 2060 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        |                            | 0.8      | 30                  | 800            | 0.4            | 0.6            |         |        |        |         |   |
| 10     | DE   | 2070 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                        |                            | 0.8      | 30                  | 600            | 0.4            | 0.6            |         |        |        |         |   |
| 11     | DE   | 2021 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 12     | DE   | 2024 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 13     | DE   | 2027 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 14     | DE   | 2030 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 15     | DE   | 2035 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 16     | DE   | 2040 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        | 0                          |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 17     | DE   | 2045 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        |                            | 0.4      | 25                  | 800            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 18     | DE   | 2050 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        |                            | 0.4      | 30                  | 800            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 19     | DE   | 2060 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        |                            | 0.4      | 30                  | 800            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 20     | DE   | 2070 | pow_geothermal_st_1                 |                        |                            | 0.4      | 30                  | 600            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 21     | DE   | 2021 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 3500                   |                            | 0.6      | 20                  | 500            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 22     | DE   | 2024 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 3500                   |                            | 0.6      | 20                  | 500            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 23     | DE   | 2027 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 3500                   |                            | 0.6      | 20                  | 500            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 24     | DE   | 2030 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 3300                   |                            | 0.6      | 20                  | 500            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 25     | DE   | 2035 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 3000                   |                            | 0.6      | 20                  | 500            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 26     | DE   | 2040 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 2700                   |                            | 0.6      | 20                  | 500            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 27     | DE   | 2045 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 1500                   |                            | 0.6      | 20                  | 500            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 28     | DE   | 2050 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 200                    |                            | 0.6      | 20                  | 500            |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 29     | DE   | 2060 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 0                      |                            |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |
| 30     | DE   | 2070 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0        | 0                      |                            |          |                     |                |                |                |         |        |        |         |   |

Parameter values that do not exist for a given year, process and parameter combination have no relevance for a process.


| id | region | year | type                                | capacity_p_inst    |
| 1  | DE     | 2021 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                    | 
| 2  | DE     | 2024 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1 |                    |

Exception: Unrestricted bound parameters

Upper and lower bound paramters have empty cells if unrestricted.
This convention was made to avoid high or low dummy values for upper or lower bounds.

In the example above, new capacity investments (capacity_p_abs_new_max) for the processes are not restricted:

| id | region | year | type                                 | capacity_p_abs_new_max |
| 5  | DE     | 2035 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomassl_1 |                        |
| 6  | DE     | 2040 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomassl_1 |                        |
| 7  | DE     | 2045 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomassl_1 |                        |
| 8  | DE     | 2050 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomassl_1 |                        |
| 9  | DE     | 2060 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomassl_1 |                        |
| 10 | DE     | 2070 | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomassl_1 |                        |
| 17 | DE     | 2045 | pow_geothermal_st_1                  |                        |
| 18 | DE     | 2050 | pow_geothermal_st_1                  |                        |
| 19 | DE     | 2060 | pow_geothermal_st_1                  |                        |
| 20 | DE     | 2070 | pow_geothermal_st_1                  |                        |

Other bounds parameters
| SEDOS parameter name     | Recommended unit   | Description                                                                                |
| capacity_p_abs_new_max   | MW                 | Absolute upper bound on level of investment in new power output capacity for a period.     |
| capacity_e_abs_new_max   | MWh                | Absolute upper bound on level of investment in new storage energy capacity for a period.   |
| capacity_w_abs_new_max   | Mt                 | Absolute upper bound on level of investment in new weight capacity for a period.           |
| activity_bound_min       | Mt/year            | Lower bound on the activity level of a process.                                            |
| activity_bound_fix       | Mt/year            | Fix bound on the activity level of a process.                                              |
| activity_bound_max       | Mt/year            | Upper bound on the activity level of a process.                                            |
| demand_timeseries_lower  | MWh, pkm, tkm      | Lower bound for demand timeseries.                                                         |
| demand_timeseries_upper  | MWh, pkm, tkm      | Upper bound for demand timeseries.                                                         |

The value is actually zero for a given year, process and parameter.

Example: Existing capacity for pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0 in 2060 is zero.

| id | region | year | type                                 | capacity_p_inst    |   
| 29 | DE     | 2060 | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0         | 0                  |   

Over specification of processes

Example table:

| id | region | year     | type   | capacity_p_inst                        | capacity_p_abs_new_max | conversion_factor_sec_elec | lifetime                     | cost_inv_capacity_p | cb_coefficient        | cv_coefficient   | bandwidth_type   | version          | method    | source   | comment  |           |
|    | 1      | DE       | 2021   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 2      | DE       | 2024   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 3      | DE       | 2027   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 4      | DE       | 2030   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 5      | DE       | 2035   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 25                  | 1000                  | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 6      | DE       | 2040   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 25                  | 1000                  | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 7      | DE       | 2045   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 25                  | 800                   | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 8      | DE       | 2050   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 30                  | 800                   | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 9      | DE       | 2060   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 30                  | 800                   | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 10     | DE       | 2070   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 30                  | 600                   | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 11     | DE       | 2021   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 12     | DE       | 2024   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 13     | DE       | 2027   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 14     | DE       | 2030   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 15     | DE       | 2035   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 16     | DE       | 2040   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 17     | DE       | 2045   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        |                            | 0.4                          | 25                  | 800                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 18     | DE       | 2050   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        |                            | 0.4                          | 30                  | 800                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 19     | DE       | 2060   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        |                            | 0.4                          | 30                  | 800                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 20     | DE       | 2070   | pow_geothermal_st_1                    |                        |                            | 0.4                          | 30                  | 600                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 21     | DE       | 2021   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3500                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 22     | DE       | 2024   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3500                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 23     | DE       | 2027   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3500                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 24     | DE       | 2030   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3300                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 25     | DE       | 2035   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3000                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 26     | DE       | 2040   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 2700                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 27     | DE       | 2045   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 1500                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 28     | DE       | 2050   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 200                    |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 29     | DE       | 2060   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 0                      |                            |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 30     | DE       | 2070   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 0                      |                            |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |

To avoid ambiguities in the data, the processes are specified as precisely as possible.
This means, for example, for investment processes all years are specified in the data, even if an investment process is only available from later years, e.g 2035, as opposed to missing rows for 2021, 2024, 2027 and 2030.

To avoid data misinterpretation, the techno-economic parameter values for 2021, 2024, 2027 and 2030 are empty, since the process does not exist yet in such years.

| id | region | year     | type   | capacity_p_inst                        | capacity_p_abs_new_max | conversion_factor_sec_elec | lifetime                     | cost_inv_capacity_p | cb_coefficient        | cv_coefficient   | bandwidth_type   | version          | method    | source   | comment  |           |
|    | 1      | DE       | 2021   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 2      | DE       | 2024   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 3      | DE       | 2027   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 4      | DE       | 2030   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        | 0                          |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 5      | DE       | 2035   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 25                  | 1000                  | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 6      | DE       | 2040   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 25                  | 1000                  | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 7      | DE       | 2045   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 25                  | 800                   | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 8      | DE       | 2050   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 30                  | 800                   | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 9      | DE       | 2060   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 30                  | 800                   | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 10     | DE       | 2070   | pow_combustion_cc_chp_ccs_biomass_1    |                        |                            | 0.8                          | 30                  | 600                   | 0.4              | 0.6              |                  |           |          |          |           |

Conversely, existing capacities are explicitly declared as 0 as soon as they are no longer in the system, as opposed to missing rows for 2060 and 2070.
To avoid data misinterpretation, the techno-economic parameter values for 2060 and 2070 are empty, since the process does not exist anymore in such years.

| id | region | year     | type   | capacity_p_inst                        | capacity_p_abs_new_max | conversion_factor_sec_elec | lifetime                     | cost_inv_capacity_p | cb_coefficient        | cv_coefficient   | bandwidth_type   | version          | method    | source   | comment  |           |
|    | 21     | DE       | 2021   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3500                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 22     | DE       | 2024   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3500                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 23     | DE       | 2027   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3500                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 24     | DE       | 2030   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3300                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 25     | DE       | 2035   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 3000                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 26     | DE       | 2040   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 2700                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 27     | DE       | 2045   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 1500                   |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 28     | DE       | 2050   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 200                    |                            | 0.6                          | 20                  | 500                   |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 29     | DE       | 2060   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 0                      |                            |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |
|    | 30     | DE       | 2070   | pow_combustion_gt_hydrogen_0           | 0                      |                            |                              |                     |                       |                  |                  |                  |           |          |          |           |


Symbol Name Range Description
% Percent [0,100] A number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100.