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Input data

Naming conventions for data tables and parameters


  • Parameter name and table name conventions are in place due to technical reasons of the underlying relational postgre-sql database on the OEP.

The following conventions will be automatically checked when uploading a table on the OEP, and error messages will be raised in case of violation. Users need to correct them and their compliance is mandatory.


  • use ASCII characters only
  • use lower case only
  • use the singular instead of the plural.
  • use underscores


  • table name must not exceed maximal character limit = 50
  • no points
  • no commas
  • no spaces
  • no special characters
  • avoid dates
  • no hyphens. If dates are used, then without -! E.g.: 2022-10-21 will through an error. Use underscore instead!
  • don't start parameter name with a number


Use semicolon ; as the column delimiter.

Decimal separator

Use point . as decimal separator.

SEDOS Reference Dataset (SRD) versioning

For the SRD, the following version tags apply:

  • srd_range_sedos: Final SRD with ranges to include parametric uncertainty from different sources.
  • srd_range_v1: Updated SRD, after project end.
  • srd_point_sedos: SEDOS-specific values from srd_range_sedos that serve as a basis for all scnearios.


Available datatypes and corresponding formatting examples:

dtype example comment
json "{""key1"": ""text"", ""key2"": ""text""}" {"key1": "text", ...} might work as well. If you're using an table edititor make sure to use ASCII characters only
float array [0.02, 279.5] arrays with strings should be formatted as strings ("['string1', 'string2']"
text "text" String data should have text as datatype (text serves as "string")
integer 27
text array "[""TH"", ""BW""]" ["TH","BW"] might work as well. If you're using an table edititor make sure to use ASCII characters only

Table naming

Follow the nomenclature for table and process naming.


  • Create a new data package for each process, e.g. wind_onshore, chp, ...
  • Or use the type column to put multiple processes in one data package
  • You can use a single datapackage for both demand data and other constraint data (tech-independent parameters),e.g.:
    • emission limit,
    • natural domestic limit,
    • WACC

Parameter naming

Follow the nomenclature for parameter naming.


  • Parameter names must be linked to a concept in an ontology

It is importance that every parameter name is linked to a suitable ontological concept via the metadata to enable its clear interpretation.
In case you cannot find a suitable ontology concept (e.g. because it's not in the ontology yet), please make sure your chosen parameter name is clear and common in the domain. In this case avoid acronyms.

Ontological annotations

  • In the nomenclature for parameter naming in sheet: Parameter_Set, we made suggestions for suitable ontology concepts for usage across the SEDOS APs.

    Please use them or make suggestions of better suitable concepts.

For more background information regarding for linking parameter names and ontology concepts, using OEM, see here.

For a practical manual linking parameter names to a suitable ontology concepts, using oemetadata builder, see here.

Parameter naming in case of missing suitable ontology concept

It is likely that not every parameter concept is already covered by an ontology. In this case, linking your parameter name to a suitable ontology concept is not directly possible.

It might, however, be indirectly possible by linking it to a distinct selection of related ontology concepts. In this case you would link your parameter name to multiple related concepts.

For a practical manual linking parameter names to multiple related ontology concepts, using oemetadata builder, see here.

Output Data

Output Paramters

The model result data are structured within the following parameters:

  • flow_volume
  • losses
  • costs_investment
  • costs_variable
  • costs_fixed
  • capacity_inst
  • capacity_new

Result Table Format

The result table should be filled as follows - make sure to follow the format conventions:

scenario year process parameter sector category specification groups new input_groups output_groups unit value
<framework>_<model-structure>_<scenario> <int> <string> <string> <string> <string> <python string array> <python string array> <int> <python string array> <python string array> <string> <float>
o_steel_tokio 2030 ind_cement_finish_1 capacity_inst ind cement [‘finish’] [‘future’, ‘industry’] 1 MW 100
t_all_tokio 2045 x2x_x2liquid_oref_0 costs_investment x2x x2liquid [‘oref’] 0 MEUR 10
f_transport_tokio 2030 tra_road_lcar_ice_pass_flex_0 flow_volume tra road [‘lcar’, ‘ice’, ‘pass’] 0 [‘sec_gasoline’] MWh 50
f_transport_tokio 2030 tra_road_lcar_ice_pass_flex_0 flow_volume tra road [‘lcar’, ‘ice’, ‘pass’] 0 [‘sec_ethanol’] MWh 30
t_all_siena 2030 ind_cement_finish_1 flow_volume ind cement [‘finish’] 1 [‘emi_co2_f_ind’] t 100
t_all_siena 2030 ind_cement_finish_1 flow_volume ind cement [‘finish’] 1 [‘emi_ch4_f_ind’] t 1
t_all_siena 2030 ind_cement_finish_1 flow_volume ind cement [‘finish’] 1 [‘emi_co2_eq’] t 128