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In SEDOS the metadata standard OEMetadata v.1.5.1 is used.

In SEDOS a minimal mandatory set of metadata information is provided to:

  1. automatically process the input data in the data pipeline,
  2. to provide useful context for data interpretation, and
  3. to fulfil legal requirements.

The following oem-keys have been provided in the metadata of our reference dataset.

Mandatory set of metadata information

General Keys

# Key Description Example SEDOS convention
1 name A file name or database table name.

oep_metadata_table_example_v15 sector_process_name

e.g. tra_road_mcar_bev_pass_0
2 title A human readable full title including author. RLI - OEMetadata - Metadata example table sedos_sector_process_name

e.g. sedos_tra_road_mcar_bev_pass_0
4 description A description or abstract of the package. It should be usable as summary information for the entire package that is described by the metadata. Example table used to illustrate the metadata structure and meaning.
6 subject An array of objects with topics of the data in OEO terms.
6.1 name The class label of the OEO terms. energy
6.2 path The URI of the class.
8 publicationDate A date of publishing of the data or metadata. Date format is ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). 2019-02-06

Source Keys

Information about the individual sources the data stems from.

# Key Description Example SEDOS convention
12 sources An array of objects with the used and underlying sources of the data and metadata.
12.1 title A human readable title of the source, a document title or organisation name. IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
12.2 description A free text description of the data set. Scientific climate change report by the UN
12.3 path A URL to the original source.
12.4 licenses An array of objects under which the source is provided.
12.4.1 name The SPDX identifier.
12.4.2 title The official (human readable) title of the license. Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0
12.4.3 path A link to the license text.
12.4.4 instruction A short description of rights and restrictions. The use of tl;drLegal is recommended. You are free to share and change, but you must attribute, and share derivations under the same license. See for further information.
12.4.5 attribution The copyright owner of the source. If attribution licenses are used, that name must be acknowledged. © Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014

Provenience Keys

Information about changes on the metadata.

# Key Description Example SEDOS convention
14 contributors An array of objects of the people or organizations who contributed to the data or metadata. Each object refers to one contributor. Every contributor must have a title and property. The path, email, role and organization properties are optional.
14.1 title A name of the contributor. Ludwig Hülk
14.2 email A email address of the contributor or GitHub handle. @Ludee
14.3 date The date of the contribution. If the contribution took more than a day, use the date of the final contribiution. Date Format is ISO 8601. 2016-06-16
14.4 object The target of the contribution. Which part of the package was supplied or changed. Can be the data, metadata or both (data and metadata). data and metadata
14.5 comment A free text commentary on what has been done. Fixed a typo in the title.

Resource Keys

Needed to process the csv-table for the OEP.

# Key Description Example SEDOS convention
15 resources An array of objects of the data. It describes the data resource as an individual file or (database) table.
15.1 profile The profile of this descriptor according to the profiles specification. This information is retained in order to comply with the "Tabular Data Package" standard. Use "tabular-data-resource" for all tables. tabular-data-resource
15.2 name A name for the entire
data package. The name must consist of only lowercase alphanumeric characters or underscore. It must not start with a number or underscore. In a database, this will be the name of the table within the schema containing it. The name can correspond to the file name (minus the file-extension) of the data file describing the resource, if it complies with the naming convention above. Name also contains information about the shema on the OEP, use "." to seperate shema from table name.
Requiered for oedatamodel upload


e.g. model_draft.tra_road_mcar_bev_pass_0
15.3 path A URL that should be a permanent http(s) address or other path directly linking to the resource.
15.4 format The file extension. 'csv', 'xls', 'json' etc. would be expected to be the standard file extension for this type of resource. When you upload your data to the OEDB, in the shown metadata string, the format will be changed accordingly to 'PostgreSQL', since the data there are stored in a database. PostgreSQL
15.5 encoding Specifies the character encoding of the resource's data file. The values should be one of the "Preferred MIME Names" for a character encoding registered with IANA. If no value for this key is specified then the default is UTF-8. UTF-8

Resource Keys - Schema

Information about each column in the csv.

# Key Description Example SEDOS convention
15.6 schema An object that describes the structure of the present data. It contains all fields (columns of the table), the primary key and optional foreign keys.
15.6.1 fields An array of objects describing a column and providing name, description, type and unit. name The name of the field. The name must consist of only lowercase alphanumeric characters or underscore. It must not start with a number or underscore. year description A text describing the field. Reference year for which the data were collected. type The data type of the field.
case of a geom column in a database, also indicate the shape and CRS.
float array unit The unit, preferably SI-unit, that values in this field are mapped to. If 'unit' doesn't apply to a field, use 'null'. If the unit is given in a seperate field, reference this field. MW isAbout An array of objects with describe the field in OEO terms. In case of multiple concepts use
C)Case2 name The class label of the OEO terms. wind energy converting unit path The URI of the class. valueReference An array of objects for an extended description of the values in the column in OEO terms. value The name of the value in the column. onshore name The class label of the OEO terms. onshore wind farm path The URI of the class.

Optional set of metadata information

Spatial and Temporal Keys

# Key Description Example SEDOS convention
10 spatial An object that describes the spatial context of the data it contains.
10.1 location A location of the data. In case of data where the location can be described as a point. May be specified as coordinates, URI, or addresses with street, house number, and zip code. 52.433509, 13.535855
10.2 extent A covered area. May be the name of a region, or the geometry of a bounding box. Europe Germany
10.3 resolution Pixel size in case of a regular raster image. Reference to administrative level or other spatial division that is present as the smallest spatially distinguished unit size. 1 ha NUTS-0
11 temporal An object with the time period covered in the data. Temporal information should either contain a "referenceDate" or the keys describing a time series; in rare cases both. For scalars:
"temporal": {
    "referenceDate": "2021",
    "timeseries": [
            "start": "2021-01-01",
            "end": "2070-12-31",
            "resolution": "yearly"
For timeseries:
"temporal": {
"referenceDate": "2021",
"timeseries": [
        "start": "2021-01-01",
        "end": "2021-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
        "start": "2024-01-01",
        "end": "2024-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
        "start": "2027-01-01",
        "end": "2027-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
        "start": "2030-01-01",
        "end": "2030-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
        "start": "2035-01-01",
        "end": "2035-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
        "start": "2040-01-01",
        "end": "2040-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
        "start": "2045-01-01",
        "end": "2045-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
        "start": "2050-01-01",
        "end": "2050-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
        "start": "2060-01-01",
        "end": "2060-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
        "start": "2070-01-01",
        "end": "2070-12-31",
        "resolution": "hourly",
        "alignment": "left"
11.1 referenceDate The base year, month, or day. Point in time for which the data is meant to be accurate. The census data or a satellite image will have a reference date. Date Format is ISO 8601. 2016-01-01
11.2 timeseries An array that describes the time series.
11.2.1 start The beginning point in time of a time series. 2019-02-06T10:12:04+00:00
11.2.2 end The end point in time of a time series. 2019-02-07T10:12:04+00:00
11.2.3 resolution The time span between individual points of information in a time series. 30 s
11.2.4 alignment An indicator of whether stamps in a time series are left, right, or middle. left
11.2.5 aggregationType Indicates whether the values are a sum, average, or current. sum

Context Keys

# Context Keys
# Key Description Example SEDOS convention
9 context An object that describes the general setting, environment, or project leading to the creation or maintenance of this dataset. In science, this can be the research project. For example:
"context": {
        "homepage": "",
        "documentation": "",
        "sourceCode": "",
        "contact": "",
        "grantNo": "03EI1040D",
        "fundingAgency": "Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)",
        "fundingAgencyLogo": "",
        "publisherLogo": ""
9.1 homepage A URL of the project.
9.2 documentation A URL of the project documentation.
9.3 sourceCode A URL of the project's source code.
9.4 contact A reference to the creator or maintainer of the data set. It can be an email address or a GitHub handle.
9.5 grantNo An identifying grant number. In case of a publicly funded project, this number is assigned by the funding agency. 01AB2345
9.6 fundingAgency A name of the entity providing the funding. This can be a government agency or a company. Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz
9.7 fundingAgencyLogo A URL to the logo or image of the funding agency.
9.8 publisherLogo A URL to the logo of the publishing agency of data.

Review Keys

When using the provided templates above, the review keys are prefilled already.

# Key Description Example
17 @context Necessary for registering Data on the Databus and to be SPARQL-able